Today there were announced 2 Madoka related releases:
On December 25, 2013 there will be released a BD box contaning all the episodes of the anime series (previously released via 6 volumes of BDs or DVDs).
Title: Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica BD Box
Release Date: December 25, 2013
Price: ¥26,250 (tax included)
Product Code: ANZX-6551
[Pre-order] from CD Japan
On the same date there will be also release a Music Collection containing all 3 anime soundtracks + some newly recorded BGM (by Yuki Kajiura), 2 previously released character songs, as well as Kalafina’s “Magia” and ClariS’s “Connect”.
Title: Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica Music Collection
Release Date: December 25, 2013
Price: ¥3,675
Product Code: SVWC-7980
[Pre-order] from CD Japan
In other news the coverart for Kalafina’s Consolation Special Final BD/DVD is out!
「Live Tour 2013 “Consolation” Special Final」 BD
Price: 6300yen [Pre-order] from CD Japan
「Live Tour 2013 “Consolation” Special Final」DVD (Region 2 [Japan, Europe, Middle East, and South Africa only])
Price: 5300yen [Pre-order] from CD Japan
Thanks to elcazador, random and D-chan2510 for the news !
[EDIT] Meanwhile the Front Band Members that Kajiura-san and Kalafina use are going to do their own live on January 25, 2014, at Blue Alleys Japan, WIth Koichi Korenaga on Guitar and Vocal, Takahashi “Jr” Tomoharu on Bass and Harp and Sakurada Hirotaka, Rie Akagi, Konno Hitoshi and Kyoichi Sato on their usual role (keyboard/flute/violin/drums).We are curious as to how this will turn out and what songs they will cover 🙂