Following unoffficial concert a few months back, an official concert was recently announced!
Title: “Gekijyouban Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica”
Orchestra Concert (Official Event)
composers: Yuki Kajiura, Sho Watanabe (Connect, Luminus)
conductor: Kenichi Shimura (same as in unofficial concert)
Performed by: TOKYO Chamber Orchestra
There will be performances in Tokyo, Osaka and Nagoya (TBA)
Tokyo Performance
Date: October 16, 2013
Venue: Shibuya Public Hall (aka C.C. Lemon Hall)
Doors Open/Start/End: 18:00Hrs / 190:0Hrs / 21:00Hrs
A total of 40 songs are planned to be performed and here’s a sample tracklist:
『Hikari furu』
『Sis puella magica!』
『Salve, terrae magicae』
『Credens justitiam』
『Symposium magarum』
『Sagitta luminis』
However Magia, Mirai, Connect, Liminus will be instrumental only, and there wont be performed songs/music from the 3rd film.
For some songs there will be vocals but not from the original singers (= no FJ), so they are looking for applicants (female over 18, Soprano and Alto)…
Thanks to Hatouchan for the news!