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Text Interviews » Kalafina Panel Liveblog

Archive of the liveblog on animediet.


Kalafina is in! Apparently this is the second time at an anime convention.


Wakana: excited to have a first West Coast concert! “Please come join us, I’m so excited.”


Q: anywhere specific they’d like to go in LA? Santa Monica Beach and Disney.


Q: What styles or brands do you like to dress in? A: No particular one, it depends on the song and its theme.


Now it’s audience Q&A.


Q: Do you contribute the music in any way? A: Yuki Kajiura does it all. We stay true to her vision, that’s how we contribute.


Q: Which song represents the way you look at the world? A (Keiko): We all treasure Kajiura-san’s songs. It’s hard to say which one is a favorite because each is so different. But the latest single, Magia, is very different…with Hikaru as the main vocalist, who didn’t do that before.


Q: Do they have a favorite Kara no Kyoukai song? A: (Hikaru wrests microphone away from Keiko): They’re all inspirational, but she finds “Aria” more inspirational. She was so nervous that she started shaking when she sang it.


Q: What was their favorite PV and the best costumes? A (Wakana): the first one, “Oblivious.” The costumes were all white; it’s her color.


Keiko: Magia. The costumes are strong, womanly, “hard,” and in-your-face.


Hikaru: the Black Butler song. First time wearing long dress and long sleeves. Very inspirational, different.


Q: What are your hopes for the band going forward? A (Wakana): Performing more, around the world.


Q: Inspiration for Black Butler 2 song? A (Hikaru, Keiko): for the costumes, Kajiura talked to the designers. They also looked at the storyboard of the anime.


Q: What are their favorite instruments? A: (Keiko): Guitar. Rock and roll! (Wakana): Flute. (Hikaru): “I touched a piano.”


Correction: Hikaru loves string instruments, but personally she does play a little piano and drums.


Now there is a quiz show, with prizes.


Quiz: what anime uses their latest song, “Magia”? EVERY HAND in the room goes up. OMG, Madoka is going to be HUGE.


My word, these are softball questions: “what’s the name of the producer who discovered them”? A guy with an orange lightstick got it….


And it’s the end of the panel…the last word. Wakana: So many people came to see us! Thank you, come to our concert tomorrow!


Keiko: this is the first time we can actually mingle with fans. This is overwhelming compared to Anime Boston. We are so happy and honored.


Hikaru: I was so surprised to see this many fans come to see us! Thank you for everything!


Aha, it’s Hikaru’s bday tomorrow! We all sing happy birthday.


Hikaru: “I am very happy and didn’t expect this at all!”

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