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Νew Lisa song composed by Y.Kajiura & FJS Radio & Yuki Kajiura (Studio) Live Vol. 1 Reprise

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The Kimetsu no Yaiba website has announced a new song by LiSa composed and arranged by Y.Kajiura and with lyrics by her and LiSA. The song will be titled 「炎」 Homura (Flame) and will be the theme for the upcoming Kimetsu no Yaiba movie Mugen Train.

In other news, Yuki Kajiura has announced a live, live-streamed from studio, titled “Yuki Kajiura (Studio) Live Vol. 1 Reprise” where she will perform with the current band members the setlist of YK Live vol#1!  The live will take place on on September 18, 2020.

Moreover, a radio broadcast has been announced called “FJS Radio”. Each radio show will have 1 of the 4 FJ regular members, first one has boradcasted on August 8.

Btw, in a few days comes out a new single by Aimer, containing all 3 Heaven’s Feel songs as well as a rearrangement of Haru wa Yuku.

AIMER – Hana no Uta/I beg you/Haru wa Yuku
SECL-2610~1 [Limited Edition]
Aug 19, 2020
5 Tracks + 5 Tracks (2 Discs)
[Preorder from CDJapan]

Yuki Kajiura to join Anime Expo Lite 2020 for DEEMO Audition’s winner announcement

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It has been announced by the Anime Expo Lite 2020 website that Yuki Kajiura will  join Anime Expo Lite 2020 on July 3, where there will be announced the grand winner singer who won the Public Audition to decide the theme song singer for the in-production anime film “DEEMO THE MOVIE”. The grand winner will be guaranteed with a debut release of the anime’s theme song “inside a dream”.

Date: Friday, July 3, 2020
Time: 6:45 PM – 7:40 PM PDT (see timezone chart)
Where: Anime Expo Youtube & Twitch

By the “where” it seems like the event will be streamed via Youtube and Twitch instead of taking place somewhere physically (or it wont have audience).

thanks to Nightmare for the news!

[UPDATE July 4, 2020] The Winner of the Audition was announced to be the 14-year-old Hinano Takashima.

Five judges oversaw the final round online: Theme-song writer Yuki Kajiura, music producer Yasunori Mori, Pony Canyon producers Toshihide Nishinaka and Mitsuyasu Yanagita, and Anime Expo Senior Director Azusa Matsuda.

Y.Kajiura stated: “Although it ended up being a rather unique audition, the basis lies in the ‘song.’ Since we were selecting someone that would have to make singing their livelihood, it was about finding the one that can display the charm of a beautiful music performance through the power of the ‘song,’”

source: AnimeExpo blog

You can watch the video of the event on YouTube here .

All YK vol#16 and FJStation Lives postponed & New screen date for FSN HF Spring song & Aimer HF songs compilation single & cancelled lives

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First of all, the entirety of Yuki Kajiura LIVE vol.#16 ~Sing a Song Tour 2020~, ~Soundtrack Special at the Amphitheater~, and FictionJunction Station” Talk & Live have been postponed to various dates on 2021 so please check out Future Works/Events 

Kimetsu no Yaiba concerts have been postponed for still unknown dates (1, 2)

Sword Art Online Film Orchestra Concert 2020 with Tokyo New City Orchestra
Fate/Grand Order Fes. 2020 in TOKYO DOME ~ 5th Anniversary ~”
have been CANCELLED. (1, 2)

SAO TV anime last season starts airing on July 11, 2020 (new trailer)

FSN Heaven’s Feel 3rd Movie “Spring Song” will start screening on Japanese theaters on August 15, 2020 (1)

Aimer will release some days later, on August 19, a new single containing all 3 Heaven’s Feel songs plus Music Clips on a DVD disc. (1)

AIMER – Hana no Uta/I beg you/Haru wa Yuku
SECL-2610~1 [Limited Edition]
Aug 19, 2020
5 Tracks + 5 Tracks (2 Discs)

YK Vol#16 partly Rescheduled


Due to coronavirus outbreak The first 3 dates of the tour have been rescheduled to February next year

Yuki Kajiura LIVE vol.#16 ~Soundtrack Special at the Amphitheater~

Date: June 13, 2020 > Rescheduled to February 6, 2021
Venue: Chiba・Maihama Amphitheater
Doors Open 17:15 / Show Start: 18:00

Date: June 14, 2020 > Rescheduled to February 7, 2021
Venue: Chiba・Maihama Amphitheater
Doors Open 15:15 / Show Start 16:00

Yuki Kajiura LIVE vol.#16 ~Soundtrack Special at the NHK OSAKA Hall~

Date: June 21, 2020 Rescheduled to February 10, 2021
Venue: Osaka・NHK Osaka Hall
Doors Open 18:30 / Show Starts 19:00 (changed!)

Yuki Kajiura (Piano・Chorus)
Guest Vocals:
Feb 6 2021: Shaylee
Feb 7 2121: 伊東えり Eri Itou
Feb 10 2121: 伊東えり Eri Itou
Koichi Korenaga (Guitar), Sato Kyoichi (Drums), Takahashi “Jr.” Tomoharu (Bass), Konno Hitoshi (Violin), Masaaki Nishikata (Cello), Rie Akagi (Flute), Nakajima Obawo (Percussion), Sakurada Hirotaka (Keyboards), Yoshiaki Sato
(Accordion), Naoki Nakahara (Uilleann Pipes), Yoshio Ohira (Manipulator)


thank to smiley and yuki.n!

See-Saw Complete Best + YK vol15 Soundtrack Special Live CD + Yuki Kajiura to perform at FGO event

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Today were announced (1, 2) by 2 unexpected releases: First a See-Saw Complete Best album will be released, compiling all of the group’s releases from 1992-2006, without however containing any unreleased or new song. It will be priced at ¥4,500 and released on June 10, 2020.

See-Saw Complete BEST 「See-Saw-Scene」
June 10, 2020
Compilation Album
37 Tracks (3 Discs)

In the same day will be also released a Live CD of last year’s Yuki Kajiura LIVE TOUR vol. # 15 “Soundtrack Special at the Amphitheater”, and specifically the 2 performances of June 15 and 16, with REMI and Eri Itou in vocal songs, and it comes with a delicious song selection. It will be priced at ¥3,300+tax

Yuki Kajiura LIVE TOUR vol. # 15 “Soundtrack Special at the Amphitheater” 2019.6.15-16 Chiba / Maihama Amphitheater
June 10, 2020
Live CD
21 + 15 Tracks (2 Discs)

In other news, Yuki Kajiura is invited to perform on August 10, 2020 at the Fate/Grand Order Fes. 2020 in TOKYO DOME ~ 5th Anniversary ~” among other artists (full list:

Vocal: KAORI, KEIKO, YURIKO KAIDA, Joelle, Yuri Kasahara
Guitar: Koichi Korenaga 是永巧一
Drums: Kyoichi Sato 佐藤強一
Bass: Takahashi “jr” Tomoharu 高橋“Jr.”知治
Violin: Konno Hitoshi 今野 均
Flute: Rie Akagi 赤木りえ
Percussion: Nakagima Obawo 中島オバヲ
Manipulator: Oohira Yoshio 大平佳男

thanks to Nightmare and NoxLila for the news!

Update 25/4/2020: News have emerged, with an updated title『See-Saw Complete Best 「See-Saw-Scene」』 and coverart, different track order, and an unreleased See-Saw song included as bonus track on disc 2 (Atarashii Yokan ~Only at JUSCO~「新しい予感 ~Only at JUSCO~) that was originally made for a shopping center