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Yuki Kajiura to compose Kimetsu no Yaiba 2nd Season OP/ED songs for LiSA / Aimer!!

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The Kimetsu no Yaiba website (1, 2) has updated with the OP /ED Theme songs information for the 2nd season of the anime and it turns out Yuki Kajiura composes 3 of them! She wrote 2 songs for LiSA (Akeboshi / Shirogane) for the Mugen Train TV Edition (which will have new footage compared to the movie), and 1 Song for Aimer (Asa ga Kuru) used as ED theme for the Yukaku arc of the anime, all with the respective Instrumentals and TV sizes.

3rd trailer for the anime, featuring samples of LiSA and Aimer songs at the end (2:18) 😁

Thanks to justisamueal, nightmare, grunty, Azokad for the news!

Click below for the singles details:

LiSA – Akeboshi / Shirogane
VVCL-1943 (First Press LE), VVCL-1944 ~ 1945 (LE+DVD)
November 17, 2021
Single (Kimetsu no Yaiba 2nd season Mugen Train Edition OP / ED Theme)
6 Tracks
[Preorder RE, LE, from CDJapan]
Aimer – Zankyou Sanka / Asa ga Kuru
VVCL-1955 (Reg), VVCL-1953-1954 (LE+DVD), VVCL-1956-1957 (LE Anime Edition)
January 12, 2022
Single (Kimetsu no Yaiba 2nd season Yukaku OP / ED Theme)
6 Tracks (3 by Yuki Kajiura)
[Preorder RE, LE, Ani LE from CDJapan]

Νews catchup… SAO Movie OST, Junna single details, FJ collab song for PriPri movie 2

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SAO the Movie -Progressive- Hoshinaki Yoru no Aria Original Soundtrack will be released on October 29, 2021! (same day as Sword Art Online Film Orchestra Concert 2021)

Title: Sword Art Online the Movie -Progressive- Hoshinaki Yoru no Aria Original Soundtrack
Product Code: SVWC-70569
Release Date: Oct 29, 2021
Price: 3300 JPY

Sword Art Online -Progressive- Hoshinaki Yoru no Aria Original Soundtrack
SVWC-70569 | October 29, 2021
47 Tracks
[Preorder from CDJapan]

The Princess Principal website has announced that there will be a Fictionjunction collab Insert song in Pripri 2nd movie
Title: fairy game
Artist: FictionJunction feat. shuri

Details for Junna’s single “Umi to Shinju” have been announced by Flying Dog

The single’s CD comes with Umi to Shinju and the english version “the sea and a pearl” and 2 other Junna songs as well as karaoke versions of them, and the Limited Edition comes with a BD with MV of the song footage from JUNNA ROCK YOU STREAMING LIVE 2021「20×20」

Fate/Zero, El-melloi and Kara no Kyoukai soundtracks will be available on Spotify/Apple Music on July 30

In light of this there is a new YK interview in english at anitrendz(dot)net and the people who did it emailed it to us. You can read it HERE

Lastly, few days ago Highway Star published on YouTube  footage of the 『prelude to ACT1〜Numquam vincar』 from Yuki Kajiura LIVE vol.#16 〜Soundtrack Special〜. You can watch below:

Fena the Pirate Princess OP by Junna to be composed by YK

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The Fena the Pirate Princess anime website has updated with info for the OP and ED themes for the anime.

The OP song will be titled Umi to Shinju composed arranged and lyrics written by Yuki Kajiura, and perform by JUNNA.
An english version titled the sea and a pearl will be also made, translated by Kajiura’s vocalist Joelle.

A single will be released for the 2 songs, by Flying Dog, and will be released on October 6, 2021
JUNNA – 「海賊王女」 OP 「海と真珠」

Regular Edition (CD):
Product Code: VTCL-35330
Price: ¥1,540 (tax included)

Limited Edition (CD + BD):
Product Code: VTZL-190
Price: ¥4,400 (tax included)

JUNNA – Umi to Shinju
VTCL-35330 (Reg), VTZL-190 (LE),
October 10, 2021
Single (Fena: Pirate Princess / Kaijoku Oujo OP Theme)
7 Tracks + lives (4 by Yuki Kajiura)
[Preorder RE, LE, from CDJapan]

in the Fena website its menthioned that the 2 songs will also have karaoke tracks, so 4 tracks in total.

BD Includes MV of the song, as well as footage from one of Junna’s concerts.

Btw, the ED theme will be titled 「サイハテ」 Saihate performed by Minori Suzuki.

And here is the PV of the anime feauturing OP & ED Themes:

thanks to Justisamuel, Nightmare, and grunty for the news!

New Fena PV + SAO Orchestral concert CD / BD


Crunchyroll has released a new PV for the Fena: Pirate Princess anime that will start streaming on Crynchyroll on August 14. There is a longer version of the swordland arrangement theme from PV 1.

In other news, on July 2 were announced CD (RE) and CD + BD editions (LE) for the Sword Art Online Film Orchestra Concert 2021 with Tokyo New City Orchestra, probably recorded from the July 3 performance.

Title: Sword Art Online Film Orchestra Concert 2021 with Tokyo New City Orchestra (RE)
Product Code: SVWC-70554~5
Release Date: Oct 29, 2021
Number of Discs: 2 CDs
Price: around 3850 JPY

Title: Sword Art Online Film Orchestra Concert 2021 with Tokyo New City Orchestra (LE)
Product Code: SVWC-70551~3
Release Date: Oct 29, 2021
Number of Discs: 2 CD + BD
Price: around 7700 JPY

thanks to grunty and Justisamuel for the news!

EDIT: And there’s one more PV with english dub and another new music:

thanks to nightmare!


Yuki Kajiura to compose for Crunchyroll Original Anime “Fena: Pirate Princess” & More Vanitas PVs!

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Crunchyroll today revealed a new trailer for the anime Fena: Pirate Princess, and its staff. It turns out Yuki Kajiura is composing for it! The anime is original (means no manga/novel/game source material) written and directed by Kazuto Nakazawa, with Production I.G being the studio producing it, with Music Production by FlyingDog (so maybe FJ on OP or ED). The anime is set to premier sometimes this Summer 2021 More info in this cruncryroll page.


Fena Houtman remembers little about her childhood. Orphaned and raised as a servant in a brothel, her life changes when she escapes to an island of pirates where she discovers the truth behind her family. With Fena being the only one able to unlock her family’s secrets, and a formidable crew of female pirates on her tail, she must take her place as captain of her Samurai crew for a high seas adventure!

By the way,The Case Study of Vanitas anime is releasing a series of PVs, 1 every few days, 10 in total, each of which is also sampling a Y.Kajiura bgm for the show. So far there are 8 out. You can watch them all here,

Thanks to Nightmare for the news !

Update 17/6/2021:

Another Fena PV has surfaced, this time appearing on Japanese TV, featuring a different music 🙂
The anime will air in Japanese TV on October 2021, so crunchyroll gets it soon.