where we worship Yuki Kajiura

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Sekai Satoyama Kikou ep. 3

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Yun’nan, China. The last episode of the documentary with music by the greatest composer ever has been recorded by Zadok and you can download the entire audio file here [45MB].

Alternatively, you can click here to download the beautiful opening theme I ripped from the beginning of the episode. It’s got flutes and voices and oh just pure awesomeness. Since it’s a rip from TV, there is the sound of someone chopping wood around the middle but it doesn’t take away from the music at all πŸ˜€

If the links ever expire, just holler.

We will be keeping close watch on the NHK e-Catalog in case the soundtrack ever appears there.

Sekai Satoyama Kikou ep. 2

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Will not be available because Zadok‘s computer decided to die 5 minutes before the recording ended, and all was lost D:

However, Zadok also says “I did some research and it seems it’s not unheard of NHK releasing the soundtracks for their NHK Specials, so they just may release a “Sekai Satoyama Kikou OST””

I’d tell everyone to buy Z a new computer but there is no time left no time left and no one reads this anyway XD

The last episode airs tomorrow (August 27) at 10pm Japan Time.

New Interviews with Yuki and Kaori

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An interview with Yuki Kajiura has been posted on the official FictionJunction YUUKA blog, and can be seen here [Japanese]. Interview topics include money, liquor, and piano lessons.

In other news, the Calling (Kaori Oda) single has been released. Scroll down to see the Baccano! ED video. Purchase from here.

Seigura also has a new interview with Kaori Oda regarding the release of Calling, and why she did not use the name FictionJunction KAORI.

The 16-minute single has two songs +off vocal versions. Yes that image on the right is direct linked from Amazon. I am cheap haha.

  1. Calling
  2. Power in Me
  3. Calling (Instrumental)
  4. Power in Me (Instrumental)

[Click to Enlarge]

Sekai Satoyama Kikou ep. 1

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Thanks to the amazing awesomeness of Zadok we have obtained the audio for the first episode of Sekai Satoyama Kikou. The first 5 minutes are missing but according to Zadok, there wasn’t much music to be missed. The entire audio file can be downloaded
–>here<-- and I will get to extracting the good parts as soon as i listen to it. Trailer for the series here