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Yuki Kajiura LIVE vol.#12: Additional musicians & guest vocalists announced!

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Today, FictionJunction Club members received email, which was informing about the musicians and guest vocalists of the Yuki Kajiura LIVE vol.#12 Tour. According to it, Hanae Tomaru and Remi will be present on all concerts, while Yuri Kasahara and Eri Itou and a Hitoshi Konno Strings quartet will join for the Orchard Hall concerts.

Keyboards & Chorus: Kajiura Yuki
Guest Vocals: Tomaru Hanae, REMI, Itou Eri (July 18), Kasahara Yuri (July 19)
Guitar: Korenaga Koichi
Drums: Sato Kyoichi
Bass: Takahashi “Jr.” Tomoharu
Violin: Konno Hitoshi
Strings: (For Orchard Hall only) [Violin 1: Konno Hitoshi , Violin 2: Tōdō Masahiko, Viola: Ikuno Masaki, Cello: Nishikata Masaki]
Flute: Rie Akagi
Accordion: Yoshiaki Sato
Percussion: Nakajima Obawo
Uilleann Pipes: Naomi Nakahara
Manipurator: Yoshio Ohira

Visit the Future Works/Events page for the full concert schedule 🙂

In other news, the Kalafina Live Tour 2015, has been titled as “far on the water” (Kalafina Live Tour 2015 “far on the water”), so is that sign of a new album ? 😉

Thanks to Hatouchan for the news!!

Kalafina Live The Best “Red Day” and “Blue Day” BD&DVD!!

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The sonymusic shop has updated (1, 2, 3, 4) with product entries for Live Blu-ray and DVD of Kalafina’s “Red Day” and “Blue Day” concerts at Budokan!!!! There will be separete releases for each day, and both will contain Documentary Videos of JAPAN EXPO in France and Budokan.

Title: Kalafina LIVE THE BEST 2015 “Blue Day” at Nihon Budokan(BD) (DVD)
Release Date: July 15, 2015
Product Code: SEXL-63 (BD), SEBL-195 (DVD)
Price: ¥6,800(tax included) (BD), ¥5,800 (tax included)(DVD)
[Pre-order Blue Day BD] [Pre-order Blue Day DVD] from CD Japan

Title: Kalafina LIVE THE BEST 2015 “Red Day” at Nihon Budokan(BD) (DVD)
Release Date: July 15, 2015
Product Code: ¥6,800 (tax included) (BD), ¥5,800 (tax included) (DVD)
Price: SEXL-62 (BD), SEBL-194 (DVD)
[Pre-order Red Day BD] [Pre-order Red Day DVD] from CD Japan

Here are the setlists of the 2 lives 🙂 It is noteable that they contain the very first performances of ring your bell and far on the water

Kalafina LIVE THE BEST 2015 “Blue day”
March 1, 2015
Nippon Budokan, Tokyo, Japan
21 Songs
Kalafina LIVE THE BEST 2015 “Red day”
February 28, 2015
Nippon Budokan, Tokyo, Japan
21 Songs

thanks to elcazador for the news!!

[EDIT: 13/5/2015]
Unfortunately, as HMV updated with the tracklistings, it seems that ring your bell and far on the water were cut from the footage 🙁

Kalafina LIVE THE BEST 2015 “Blue Day” at Nihon Budokan
BD: SEXL-63, DVD: SEBL-195 | July 15, 2015
21 Tracks
[Pre-order Blue Day BD] [Pre-order Blue Day DVD] from CD Japan
Kalafina LIVE THE BEST 2015 “Red Day” at Nihon Budokan
BD: SEXL-62, DVD: SEBL-194 | July 15, 2015
21 Tracks
[Pre-order Red Day BD] [Pre-order Red Day DVD] from CD Japan

「FictionJunction 2010-2013 The BEST of Yuki Kajiura LIVE, vol 2」: track origins & coverart!


Today, JVC updated with information for from which concert each track of the 「FictionJunction 2010-2013 The BEST of Yuki Kajiura LIVE, vol 2」 collection originates, as well as with the coverart! The majority of the tracks selected feature guest vocalists or musicians and Disc#3 is dedicated to vol#10 concert!

「FictionJunction 2010-2013 The BEST of Yuki Kajiura LIVE, vol 2」
VTCL60397 | June 3, 2015
Live CDs (3 Discs)
18 + 17 + 18 Tracks
[Pre-order] from CD Japan

Disc 1
Tracks 1-4 from Kajiura Produce 3rd Anniversary LIVE TOUR FictionJunction/Yuki Kajiura LIVE vol.#6 @ Osaka Namba Hatch (Guest: Rie Akagi)
Tracks 5-9 from Kajiura Produce 3rd Anniversary LIVE TOUR FictionJunction/Yuki Kajiura LIVE vol.#6 @ Yokohama BLITZ Hatch (Guest: Eri Itou)
Tracks 10-12 from Kajiura Produce 3rd Anniversary LIVE TOUR FictionJunction/Yuki Kajiura LIVE vol.#6 @ Diamond Hall (Featuring Vocal: YUUKA)
Tracks: 13-18 from Kajiura Produce 3rd Anniversary LIVE TOUR FictionJunction/Yuki Kajiura LIVE vol.#6 @ JCB Hall (Guest Vocal: Kasahara Yuri)

Disc 2
Tracks 1-4 from Yuki Kajiura LIVE vol.#7 “FICTION” @ NHK Hall (Fictionjunction only, Rie Akagi on flute)
Tracks 5-9 from Yuki Kajiura LIVE vol.#8 “Spring 2012” @ Shibuya Public Hall (Guests: Eri Itoh, Hanae Tomaru, Rie Akagi)
Tracks 10-11 from Yuki Kajiura LIVE vol.#9 “3 days special” “Japanese song only Special” @ New National Theatre Hall (Fictionjunction only)
Tracks 12-16 from Yuki Kajiura LIVE vol.#9 “3 days special” Sound Track Special” @ New National Theatre Hall (Secret Guest: Eri Itoh)
Track 17 from Yuki Kajiura LIVE vol.#9 “3 days special” “Japanese song sealed Special” @ New National Theatre Hall

Disc 3
Tracks 1-18 from 20th Anniversary Yuki Kajiura LIVE vol.#10 “Kaji Fest. 2013” @ Tokyo International Forum, Hall A (Guest Vocals: Eri Itou, Hanae Tomaru, Yuri Kasahara, Emily Bindiger, REMI, FictionJunction ASUKA, Guest Musicians: Rie Akagi (flute), Yoshiaki Sato (accordion))

thanks to grunty for the news!

Kalafina at AFA Thailand: Setlist, reports, photos. – Animelo & machi asobi ‘uta no furu yoru’ participation

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The previous 2 days, May 1st and 2nd, Kalafina visited Thailand as guest of Anime Festival Asia – Thailand (AFATH) convention, and this way the did their first visit to Thailand. They visited an NHK booth, did autograph session, played rock-paper-scissors with fans, and performed at the I <3 anisong event along with Angela, Aoi Eir, Flow, fripside, DJKazu and May’n. Here’s the Kalafina part setlist:

Kalafina at Anime Festival Asia Thailand
May 1, 2015
BITEC, Bangkok, Thailand
8 Songs

Reports: Kagaribi no Hanabira (1, 2, 3), Hatouchan (1), Sakurachan (1)
Pictures: 1, 2, 3, 4
News Articles: (1,)

In other news, it has been announced that Kalafina will perform at Animelo 2015, as well as the Machi Asobi ‘uta no furu yoru’ events (source). Machi Asobi ‘uta no furu yoru’ will be an ufotable – themed event.

Event Title: Animelo Summer Live 2015 -THE GATE-
Date: August 30, 2015
Venue: Saitama Super Arena
Artists: yano Mashiro, Maaya Uchida, Ayaka Ohashi, Yui Ogura, Kenshō Ono, GRANRODEO, ZAQ, JO ☆ STARS ~ TOMMY, Coda, JIN ~, Minori Chihara, Is the Te Purun ♪, Emi Nitta, fhána / YuiKaori and others.
Doors open / show starts: 14:00 / 16:00
Tickets – Arrangement:: All seats specified Price: ¥ 8,700 (tax incl).

Event Title: Machi Asobi presents: “uta no furu yoru”
Date: September 26, 2015 (Sat)
Venue: Tokushima Bunkanomori Park (website)
Artists: Kalafina, Aimer (Fate Stay Night [UBW] 2nd OP etc)
Doors open / show starts: 18:00 / 18:30
Tickets: 3,456 yen (tax included) (preorder)

Details for Yuki Kajiura LIVE vol#12!!

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Today, Kaori Oda posted in her blog details about Yuki Kajiura Live vol#12! The amount of musicians is bigger than ever before! The lives are being held at Tokyo’s Tokyo International Forum Hall C, Osaka’s NHK Osaka Hall, and at the huge Orchard Hall, also in Tokyo. Furthermore there are Japanese-only, Japanese-sealed (kajiurago/english) and Soundtrack special lives (where we can probably expect additional vocalists as secret guests), while June 13 and 20 have Day and Night stage with Soundtrack special in the morning and later on performance with vocalists.

Keyboards & Chorus: Kajiura Yuki
Vocal: FictionJunction (KAORI, KEIKO, WAKANA, YURIKO KAIDA), Hanae Tomaru, Remi
Guitar: Korenaga Koichi
Drums: Sato Kyoichi
Bass: Takahashi “Jr.” Tomoharu
Violin: Konno Hitoshi
Flute: Rie Akagi
Accordion: Yoshiaki Sato
Percussion: Nakajima Obawo
Uilleann Pipes: Naomi Nakahara
Manipulator: Yoshio Ohira
and more …
※ Yuki Kajiura will not perform as vocalist, different schedule for each day.

[Tickets arrangement/ price:] All seating, ¥ 6,480 (tax included)
[Sponsored] Spacecraft Produce / Kyodo Tokyo
[Performance] Flying Dog
[Cooperation] Aniplex

“Yuki Kajiura LIVE vol. # 12 “7days Special”

[Ticket general Release Date (for: Tokyo International Forum Hall C / NHK Osaka Hall)] April 25, 2015 (Saturday)

[Tokyo performance – Venue: Tokyo International Forum Hall C]

Date: June 10, 2015 (Wednesday) DAY-1
Type: Japanese-only Special @ FictionJunction
Doors open/show starts:: 18:15 / 19:00

Date: June 11, 2015 (Thursday) DAY-2
Type: Japanese sealed Special
Doors open/show starts: 18:15 / 19:00

Date: June 12, 2015 (Friday) DAY-3
Type: Sound Track Special
Doors open/show starts: 18:15 / 19:00

Date: June 13, 2015 (Saturday) DAY-4
Day stage:
Type: Sound Track Special
Doors open/show starts: 12:15 / 13:00
Night Stage:
Japanese-only Special @ FictionJunction
Doors open/show starts: 16:45 / 17:30

Date: June 14, 2015 (Sunday) DAY-5
Type: Japanese sealed Special
Doors open/show starts: 15:15 / 16:00

[Osaka performance – Venue: NHK Osaka Hall]

Date: June 20, 2015 (Saturday) DAY-6
Type: Japanese-only Special @ FictionJunction
Doors open / show starts: 17:15 / 18:00

Date: June 21, 2015 DAY-7
Day stage:
Type: Sound Track Special
Doors open/show starts: 12:15 / 13:00
Night stage:
Type: Japanese sealed Special
Doors open/show starts: 16:45 / 17:30

“Yuki Kajiura LIVE vol. # 12” Orchard Special “”Venue: Orchard Hall
[Ticket general Release Date] May 23, 2015 (Saturday)

Date: July 18, 2015 (Sat)
Doors open / show starts: 16:15 / 17:00

Date: July 19, 2015 (Sun)
Doors open / show starts: 15:15 / 16:00

thanks to joel_jman for the news!