where we worship Yuki Kajiura

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Y.Kajiura featured in “Eureka” magazine & Kalafina at COUNTDOWN JAPAN 2015/16

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Yuki Kajiura announced that she is featured in a magazine called Eureka and the subtitle will be Yuki Kajiura: Poetics of Fiction making (click for contents). In that magazine there is a long Kajiura interview, a Kalafina one as well as opinions of numerous music specialists about Yuki Kajiura’s music. The book covers all of Yuki Kajiura’s career and her See-Saw times.


1) long interview with kajiura (interviewer Ida Kazushi)
2) hanging gardens of voice and poem
3) mail interview with Kalafina (interviewer Ida Kazushi)
4) music as scripture
5) Kajiura linguistic problems
6) anaphora called “soundtrack”
7) the story starts sounding

Title: Eureka – Yuki Kajiura: Poetics of Fiction making
Release Date: October 26, 2015
ISBN: ISBN978-4-7917-0297-8
Price: 1,300Yen+tax (, CDJapan)
Publisher: Seidosha

In other news, Kalafina are invited to perform at the New Year show 「rockin’on presents COUNTDOWN JAPAN 15/16 Supported by Windows 10」 which will screen between December 28 and 31, 2015.

Kalafina will perform on December 28, and that day will also perform:
Aoi Eir, Akai Koen, Aqua Timez, Asian Kung-Fu Generation, Arukara, androp, indogo la End, Aimer, Oldcodex, Capsule, kyarypamyupamyu, a crowd of rebellion Crystal Lake, Quruli, Crossfaith, Kuroneko chelsea, coldrain, golden bomber, Silent Siren, Sanfujins, jin, Swanky Dank, Chihara Minori, Tempura Kids, tofubreats, Hysteric Panic, Photo Tones, O4 Limited Sazabys, Fujifabric, Hey-Smith, Babymetal, Makita sports presents Fly or Die, Mito Natsume, miwa, Monobright, LiSA, Rhythmic Toy World, Rekishi

Visit the official site to see the whole lineup for all the days!

Thanks to Smiley and Kugayama!

Yuki Kajiura LIVE vol.#13 & FJC “BEST 20” Part 2 announced!!

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Following yesterday‘s announcement of Sword Art Online Music Collection and of the new movie, Yuki Kajiura today twitted (1, 2) (1, 2) news about her next lives 🙂

The new tour will be titled 「Yuki Kajiura Live Vol.#13〜featuring SWORD ART ONLINE」 and will take place on March 21, 2016 in Tokyo International Forum Hall A and on March 26 and 27, 2016 at NHK Hall in Osaka!

Title: 「Yuki Kajiura Live Vol.#13〜featuring SWORD ART ONLINE」
Date – Venue:
Osaka: March 21, 2016 – Tokyo International Forum Hall A
Tokyo: March 26 and 27, 2016 – NHK Hall in Osaka

Few days earlier, on March 5, 2016, Yuki Kajiura will do a new FJC Best 20 kind of live. She did one more in the past titled “FJC Annivesary Live “Best 20″~3rd Aniversary,Live & Special~” (click to see).

In it will be performed 20 songs voted by the FJC fanclub members, who will will get to know the voting process in the next fanclub mail. Unlike the first time, there will be less talking, more singing and they will try to sing all 20 songs voted into the top 20.

Venue seems to be still not decided.

Title: FJC “Best 20” Part 2
Date: March 5, 2016

Thank to Kugayama and Hatouchan for the news!

Sword Art Online Music Collection & SAO movie announced!

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The Tsutaya store has updated (1, 2) with entries for a Sword Art Online Music Collection!! There will be Regular and Limited Edition. Both editions with have 4 CDs of soundtracks from the 2 seasons of the anime, and the Limited Edition will contain a Blu-ray with recording of the Yuki Kajiura performance from 「Sword Art Online event “Sing all Overtures”」 event, where she performed with FictionJunction Remi and musicians including flute and 2 horns!! The collection releases on January 27, 2016

Title: Sword Art Online Music Collection
Release: January 27, 2016
Product Code
RE: SVWC-70116-9 LE: SVWC-70111-5
Price: RE: ¥3,800 (+tax) LE: ¥4,500 (+tax)
Tracks included: 131
Preorder: [LE], [RE] from CD Japan

Click below to see the setlist of the event included in the BD!

Yuki Kajiura at 「Sword Art Online event “Sing all Overtures”」
February 1, 2015
FictionJunction, REMI & other artists
Pacifico Yokohama National Convention Hall, Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan
30 Songs

thanks to elcazador for the news!

The Sword Art Online website has updated with more info about the collection and apparently its going to contain a total of 131 tracks, which is 15 tracks more than the the total of the previously released bundled soundtracks!!

Also the website announced that they are making a movie called Sword Art Online the Movie. Announcement says the movie will have completely new plot written by Reki Kawahara. Same director and studio, and judging from the trailer same composer too.

Title: Sword Art Online the Movie
Director: Tomohiko Ito
Character Design: Adachi Shingo
Production: A-1 Pictures

thanks to elcazador and Kugayama!

EDIT: Fixed info abour BD content.

Kajiura twitter event for “Far on the water” & SAO I OST 2 replacement


Yuki Kajiura has announced via her twitter account, that on September 25, 2015 she will hold one more twitter event, this time for Kalafina’s new 5th album far on the water.

Date: September 25, 2015
Time: 21:30 Japan Time we press “play button”
Two rounds, for those that start from middle
hashtag: #5FOTW

The form of the event will like that: At 21:30 Japan time, YK and fans, all press “play” button of their music player device, and comment every song. Kajiura will be writing her own comments and reply to fan questions. There will be 2 rounds of CD play and comments for those that catch up in the middle. This event is organised by Kajiura herself, and has no relation to spacecraft or Sony.

She will start the event at her @Fion0806 account but move to @FJukatsu if the first reaches the twits limit.

An other thing she announced, is the during preparations for a live (probably summer’s Yuki Kajiura Live 12 where she did a good number of SAO tracks), one of the technicians noticed a pitch problem in SAO Original Soundtrack 2, (which fans noticed since it came out). Kajiura says she feels really sorry about this, and now Aniplex announced a reprint and replacement program for those that purchased it. According to the announcement the tracks that have pitch problem are tracks -26 (“a new world of fairies” – “dance with me”) Click HERE for ANNOUNCEMENT PAGE in japanese

To quote ANN‘s translation of the page/ YK’s twits:

“In their apology, Aniplex has invited any customers with faulty CDs to send in their name, address, phone number and disc to them so that they may be replaced with corrected soundtracks and the faulty discs can be thrown out.

Yuki Kajiura, the composer of the soundtrack, has since released a series of tweets addressing the mistakes, regretting that it has taken this long for staff to notice them.


— 梶浦由記 Yuki Kajiura (@Fion0806) September 16, 2015
“To those that have been enjoying the CD until now, I’ve only just heard all of the mistakes in the songs. I simply can’t believe I didn’t notice until just now. I truly feel terrible about this.”

PS: A little while after this soundtrack release, Aniplex had apoligised before once more, but at that time because track “sorrowfully” of SAO I OST 2 was same as track of SAO I OST I “at our parting”. But at that time they did no action to replace. Lets hope they remember this and dont include it in the new copies.

far on the water: Rest of samples now out!


Four days before the Kalafina’s 5th album release, and amazon has updated with the samples for the whole album, so you can can listen to the rest of the songs samples 🙂 Remember that far on the water releases 3 first editions release on September 16, and the vinyl on September 30, 2015. Click here to listen!

Kalafina – far on the water
SECL1767(Reg), SECL1763~64 (LE+DVD), SECL1765 ~ 1766 (LE+BD), SEJL-29 ~ 30 (Vinyl) | September 16, 30 (Vinyl), 2015
13 Tracks
(Preorder: [RE], [LE A], [LE B], [Vinyl] from CD Japan)

thanks to grunty for the news!