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Haru wa Yuku / Pripri Live coverarts and tracklists + FJC Live postponed

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Later this month, Aimer’s Haru wa Yuku / Marie single, and the 2 Princess Principal THE LIVE releases come out and the tracklists and coverarts are out! Also you can enjoy samples from the single here .

Aimer – Haru wa Yuku / Marie
SECL-2557 (Reg), SECL-2555~6 (LE+DVD), SECL-2558~9 (Limited Anime Edition)
March 25, 2020
Single (Fate/stay night [Heaven’s Feel] III spring song ED)
4 Tracks (2 by Yuki Kajiura)
[Preorder RE, LE, Ani LE from CDJapan]
Princess Principal THE LIVE Yuki Kajiura×Void_Chords LIVE CD
March 27, 2020
Live CD
10 + 14 Tracks (2 Discs)
[Preorder from CDJapan]
Princess Principal THE LIVE Yuki Kajiura×Void_Chords BD
March 27, 2020
24 Tracks
[Preorder from CDJapan]

In other news, the Fiction Junction Station” Talk & Live, scheduled to happen on March 21 has been postponed, due to the coronavirus outbreak, for the other dates (March 28, 29, April 4) there will be announcement on March 11, and its highly possible same will happen with the SAO Orchestral concert next month if things dont get better.

UPDATE: New dates:

・ March 21 Tokyo Mielparque Hall ⇒ August 4 (Tue) Tokyo Mielparque Hall
・ March 28 Osaka / Matsushita IMP Hall ⇒ July 18 (Sat) Osaka / Matsushita IMP Hall
・ March 29 Osaka / Matsushita IMP Hall ⇒ July 24 (Fri / holiday) Osaka / Matsushita IMP Hall
・ April 4 Tokyo Mielparque Hall ⇒ August 13 (Tue) Tokyo Mielparque Hall

* Please keep your ticket (seat number) valid for transfer performance.

Sword Art Online: War of the Underworld: OST 1 to be released on BD/DVD vol.3


The SAO Alicisation website has updated with info about the release of the 1st Soundtrack for the “War of the Underworld” sub-arc of the anime. It will come out bundled with the BD/DVD vol.3, as bonus disc (as usually), and will be released on February 26, 2020.

Title: Sword Art Online: War of the Underworld BD/DVD vol#3
Release Date: February 26, 2020
Product Code: BD ANZX-14425~14426 DVD ANZB-14425~14426
Price:  BD ¥7,800+tax DVD ¥6,800+tax
> Episodes , , of the anime
> Box with Yumiko Yamamoto-drawn Character design,
> Special booklet (12P)
> Bonus CD:
1. SAO Alicization War of Underworld Original Soundtrack vol.1 (by Yuki Kajiura)
2. Symphonic Alicization Orchestra War of Underworld # 3 “Evolving the heart”

thanks to  Nightmare for the news!

Sword Art Online Film Orchestra Concert 2020


Yesterday, the 12th episode of the 2nd cour of Sword Art Online Alicization aired, and it was announced that it will continue on April 2020. Along with that, to celebrate the 10th anniversary of SAO, was also announced a Sword Art Online Film Orchestra Concert performed by the Tokyo New City Orchestra on Aprii 11, 2020! Fictionjunction Music and Highway Star are in the production and Yuki Kajiura will supervise it.

Event Title: Sword Art Online Film Orchestra Concert 2020 with Tokyo New City Orchestra
Venue: Concert Hall of the Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre
Date: April 11, 2020
Doors open/Start: 16:00 / 17:00
Ticket price: All seated 9,500 yen (tax included)
Ticket general release date: Scheduled for March 7, 2020

Planning: Aniplex
Production: Axis
Production Cooperation: Fictionjunction Music / Highway Star
Sponsorship: SAO-A Project

thanks to Nightmare for the news!

DEEMO: Pony Canyon and YK to hold Audition for Theme song’s singer


The DEEMO movie website has updated with an audition announcement for the selection of singer for Deemo’s Theme song, titled “Inside a dream”, composed by Yuki Kajiura. There’s a sample version that’s sang by Joelle (click on the yellow button below the microphone one to download it) .

In the audition will be present as Judges Yuki Kajiura, Yasuhiro Mori (the film’s music producer), and Pony Canyon’s producers, and public fan vote will be also considered.

The audition will be open and international. It does require however for the winner to base her activities in Japan’s music industry.

The winner of the audition will be announced on July 2020 at ANIME EXPO in L.A.

Read all the details in the english language page here

Thank to Kugayama and Kowz for the news!

FSN Heaven’s Feel: III Spring song: New PV with sample of Haru wa Yuku

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The @Fate_SN_Anime twitter account has updated with a new PV for FSN Heaven’s Feel: III Spring song. It features sample of Aimer’s new theme song for the movie “Haru wa Yuku”, composed again by Yuki Kajiura. The single Haru wa Yuku/marie will come out March 25, 2020, and the movie will start screening on Japanese theaters on March 28, 2020. Check the previous newspost for more details about the single.

thanks to grunty for the news!

[UPD: 31/12/2019]: An even newer trailer has surfaces with +30 secs to the song sample 😀 Do check it out!