where we worship Yuki Kajiura

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238 responses

  1. george1234 says:

    DISCOGRAPHY: Entry for the tracklist for See-Saw’s upcoming single Sarigiwa no romantikusu 「去り際のロマンティクス」

  2. george1234 says:

    NEWS: See-Saw “Sarigiwa no romantikusu”: MV short ver with the song is out

  3. george1234 says:

    NEWS: KEIKO “Yuuyami no Uta” MV & EP 1 of GARO with Kajiura-composed OP are out

  4. george1234 says:

    NEWS: FSN Heaven’s Feel standalone OST & UBW / HF concert for game’s 20th anniversary, announced!

  5. hn says:

    Looks like we’re finally getting an official release of Shinkai no Kodoku ~ ReTracks

  6. george1234 says:

    Thanks! The Disc does miss “Shoot!” but maybey they didnt make a re-tracks ver. Back then Honoo no Tobira re-tracks wasnt released either.

  7. george1234 says:

    NEWS: “KajiFest” Day 1 & 2 BD Box and separate BDs announced!

  8. Sudrien says:

    Server hosting the website was rebuilt over the weekend, nothing lost.

  9. snivy says:

    I found this site when searching for songlist of past live performance. And I found a mistake on vol. #18 in Shanghai last year. I went to that live. 20th song (second encore song) was not . List of first day in Hongkong (Nov. 10), also 20th song, I heard that it was too. but I wasn’t there that day so maybe somebody can check this.

  10. snivy says:

    oh I think I used some quotation mark so some words were missing.
    the song i mentioned was 20th song (second encore song) in Shanghai. it should be Parallel Hearts, not Enternal Blue.
    Nov.10 in Hong Kong, 20th song as well, was Parallel Hearts.
    sorry for any misunderstanding may caused by my last reply.

  11. Gustavo says:

    This week 05/06/2024 has been release a new cd by the band my first story and hyde its called mugen/ eien tokoshie where was the opening and the ending theme 永久 -トコシエ- (eien – tokoshie) composed and arrangement by yuki kajiura please share the news.

  12. george1234 says:

    We know and its already on the forums i was just too busy to update about it (plus didnt really like it tbh).

  13. Sudrien says:

    Website was down due to the firewall dying of heat death.

  14. Hoboman says:

    Does anyone know where to see the Revo collaboration portion of Kajiura LIVE #19? I am so desperate.

  15. george1234 says:

    Sadly it was recorded but never released due to copyright issues maybe. If we re lucky it will be released in one of the Linked / Sound Horizon releases instead.

  16. Staffan says:

    As for Kagayaku sora no shijima ni wa.
    The stanzas are not completely meaningless. If you take the words as pair and put them through translate you do get some meaning from it. It’s as if she took words that have meaning in Latin (try pairing the words on separate lines) and changed it to fit the melody in a sense.

    Either way, it gives it a special feel…

    I started listening to Kalafina just recently after basically listening to one song for years (Hikari no Senritsu) and I’m hitting myself for not doing it sooner. This one is my favorite so far, such a a sad, deep song that makes me tear up as it connects well with my own experiences and things and people I care about… Goodbye, not being able to meet again… Damn that makes me sad because it’s so true… If there’s a time I wish there was an afterlife it’s at those moments. My rational side says there isn’t, but emotionally I want there to be…

  17. george1234 says:

    You should stop trying to make sense of kajiurago. Yes she takes inspiration from real languages but she makes sure that they never make sense as a sentence. Read more here:

  18. tSuKiNoKo says:

    So Kalafina are getting back together for a concert next year.
    Sans Kajiura Yuki.
    No idea how that even works… Kajiura Yuki and her talent are the lifeblood of all of their music =/

  19. george1234 says:

    @tSuKiNoKo the wording of their producer as well as Kajiura’s last tweet shows that it wont be just one live but more like re-activation of the band but with different composer(s) and producer now.

  20. Luciann says:

    Hello! I’m back to the forum after a long time. I lost my account and ended up absent, but I’m back. Great to be here again.

  21. george1234 says:

    welcome back Luciann! 🙂

  22. OokiiPeter says:

    I love this website and community, and ought to engage more with the Discord

    that is all, have a great day everyone!

  23. redmoonadore says:

    can someone help me find a list of which KNY tracks were specifically produced by yuki? 🙂

  24. george1234 says:

    I dont think there is a such list but you can find them by looking at the respective soundtracks that come out after every season i guess or the tokuten soundtracks (those included with the episode BDs) . Which season are you looking for ?

  25. nichki says:

    Will be going to Yuki’s concert tour this Sun. Beyond exciteddd😭

  26. george1234 says:

    Have fun nichki ! ^_^

  27. yuuuu says:

    Cant believe Yuki Kajiura is in Malaysia!!! super excited for the live tmr!

  28. nichki says:

    thank you george1234. The show was great and Yuki said she will be coming again. Yayyy! Was suprised Joelle carried most of the songs. I could hear the rest of the vocal line was kinda exhausted with a voice crack or two considering Malaysia is the finale for their ASIA tour and the gaps between their shows were very close to each other.

  29. george1234 says:

    Glad you enjoyed ! It was probably mostly Joelle cause they performed mostly english songs if it wasnt for an anime tie-in. The concert dates were fine, in other tours they did 1 concert every day on weekends but here were all 2-5 days apart. Maybe they were tired from touring the countries 🙂

  30. Ray Han says:

    Please come to the UK for a tour! You have been my favourite composer and pianist for more than 10 years and I am still dreaming of hearing your music live in person, thank you!!

  31. george1234 says:

    @ Ray Han This is not a site that Kajiura reads, as its made and managed by fans, please message her at @Fion0806 on twitter or on her website form thank you 🙂

  32. Arlinn says:

    Hello, Yuki Kajiura fans, i have a question for you!
    How do you think if this is one of her works or its someone who did their best to fit into her style?

  33. george1234 says:

    I think its someone who tries to fit her style. If it was her she would have announced already i think and i think that’s not Kajiurago language in the clip 🙂

  34. Ju says:

    I want to write something in the forum is it possible to have my account approved?

  35. george1234 says:

    Its not up to me but i will ask one of the admins 🙂

  36. puellamagica says:

    Reading the latest news and realizing the absence of Keiko and rito, it definitely makes me sad but I think it’s time for a change as well (maybe revolutionary) for YK music, as for Keiko I understand, but rito apparently going separate ways since her contract is expired, she made this IG post and Kajiura already said about it as well. I hope this update can be discussed further positively!

  37. illichii says:

    Hi! Longtime Yuki Kajiura fan and canta-per-me browser. Thanks to the mods and wonderful community for this site 🙂

    I’d like to get my account approved to ask a question in the forums, any help with this is appreciated

  38. george1234 says:

    I notified the admin, it might take a few days until he notices and approves you 🙂

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