Today rito and HighwayStar agency announced that rito will quit the HighWayStar agency because her contract is ending / not renewed. This also means she quits from her FictionJunction activities and its apparently why her name isnt in the vol#21 lineup. Yuki Kajiura has made a series of sentimental twits about it (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) and you can find a translation here by mushimushi, where she thanks her for participating in FJ and the album “Parade”.
rito had first entered HWS and FJ via an audition in 2021 where rito and LINO LEIA were the winners, and also had her solo career in the meantime. She appeared in YK Lives from Yuki Kajiura Live vol.#17 ~PARADE~(Aug 11 and 12) up until Yuki Kajiura LIVE vol.#20 ~Asia Tour 20th Special SETLIST~.
thanks to Lorde-Kowz and tsubasa for the news!
Oh no… I love rito. I hope Kajiura will continue tonwork with her in the future