The 3 Kalafina girls, Wakana Keiko and Hikaru performed today their scheduled Kalafina Anniversary LIVE 2025 concert, and it was filled (22) with the songs by Yuki Kajiura despite all the drama the previous months, which is a good thing. They also announced a broadcast of the live on March 1st.
thanks to Azokad and Atlas Star for the news!
Why is that considered good? Isn’t that even more of a snub against Yuki? they used her songs but completely cut her out of even being aware it was going to happen?
Kajiura-san herself said there’s nothing blocking them from playing the old songs. Although I have to agree it’s hard to read those statements and now feeling any nefmgativity through them.
@TRal55: We don’t know what actually happened. Maybe they asked her post-drama and she agreed that they use them. If they were truly in bad blood their new producer would make new songs for them to sing at the live or something. If she didn’t agree she could sue them because performing without the right-holder’s agreement is illegal. That’s why i say its good thing because it probably means they re in good terms.
It seems quite complicated, the advertisement on TBS CS (the paid TV channel in charge of broadcast this live in March) uses “一夜限りの復活ライブ” this term (means: one-night-only comback live), and the MC part was not mentioning about future plan, in which they seemed trying not to talk about this.
The next timepoint might be YKL Vol.21 (this summer), where we may understand more about the attitide of Kajiura Yuki and interactions between them.
Came consequences: YK just announced that Keiko will be not participated in YK Live #21 this year