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Mai-HiME ~20th Anniversary Best Collection~ & 20th anniversary event with Yuki Kajiura!

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On November 3, 2025 was announced the release of Mai-HiME ~20th Anniversary Best Collection~ for March 19, 2025 (in 2 days). Later on along with tracklist, was revealed  that there would be an event  “Mai-HiME” / “Mai-OtohiME” 20th anniversary event  on September 20, 2025 at Main Hall, Morino Hall 21, Matsudo. Today it was announced by Yuki Kajiura that she and FictionJunction, FBM and other artists will perform there!

According to the Lantis page for the release, The CD-box will include an application for advance ticket for the event, decided by lottery for tickets. Ticket application limited to the first press. Acceptance period: March 19, 2025 (Wed) 10:00 – April 6, 2025 (Sun) 23:59. Each person can apply for up to 4 tickets per serial number.

Title: Film Concert Commemorating the 20th Anniversary of TV Animation “Mai-HiME” & “Mai-Otome”
Date: September 20, 2025 (Saturday)
Venue: Main Hall, Morino Hall 21, Matsudo
Doors open: / Concert begins 12:00pm / 13:00pm
Doors open: / Concert begins 16:30 / 17:30
Venue: Mori no Hall 21, Matsudo

Performer: Yuki Kajiura (Piano)
Vocals:Hanae Tomaru, KAORI, YURIKO KAIDA, Joelle
Koichi KORENAGA (Guitar), Kyoichi SATO (Drums), Tomoharu TAKAHASHI “Jr.” (Bass), Hitoshi KONNO (Violin), Takayoshi Okuizumi (Cello), Rie AKAGI (Flute), Obawo Nakajima (Percussion), Yoshio Ohira (Manipulator)

Minami Kuribayashi, Aki Misato, etc.
Ticket Information
All seats reserved 10,800 yen (tax included)

Mai-HiME ~20th Anniversary Best Collection~”
Yuki Kajiura and other artists
LACA-39082 ~ 6 | March 19, 2025
Soundtrack Collection
28 + 35 + 18 + 9 + 16 = 106 Tracks (63 by Yuki Kajiura)
Price: 8,500 yen (excluding tax) / 9,350 yen (10% tax included)

BTW if you want to listen to the “Fate/stay night” 20th Anniversary “Fate/stay night [Heaven’s Feel]” Concert CD/BD samples, you can in tower records (& UBW day) (thanks to grunty!)

Madoka Magica ☆ Magia Exedra Game Theme Song “Lighthouse” to be performed by FictionJunction feat. LINO LEIA


Today the Madoka Magica ☆ “Magia Exedra” game‘s twitter (1) and Yuki Kajiura (1) announced that the game’s theme song will be written and composed by Yuki Kajiura and performed by FictionJunction feat. LINO LEIA ! The song will be titled Lighthouse inspired by the world the game takes place. The game’s intro will be revealed at AnimeJapan 2025. (March 22-23, 2025) and the game will be released on Android and iOS on March 27, 2025, and a steam version is also in development. You can see the game’s PV here (doesnt include Kajiura music)

Artist:FictionJunction feat.
Lyrics:Yuki Kajiura
Composed by Yuki Kajiura

thanks to Nightmare for the news!

Yuki Kajiura writes the ED theme song for “Aru majo ga shinu made” TV anime

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The Official site and twitter account of the TV anime 「ある魔女が死ぬまで」  Aru majo ga shinu made (Until A Certain Witch Dies) have announced that Yuki Kajiura will write (composition, lyrics, arrangement) the ED Theme song 「花咲く道で」”Hana saku michi de” performed by Aoi Teshima. You can listen to a sample of the song below, starting at 0:35. The anime starts airing on April 1st, 2025 (these days the ED airs from ep 2 onwards, on most anime).

Thanks to Nightmare for the news!

Singer “rito” quits HighwayStar agency


Today rito and HighwayStar agency announced that rito will quit the HighWayStar agency because her contract is ending / not renewed. This also means she quits from her FictionJunction activities and its apparently why her name isnt in the vol#21 lineup. Yuki Kajiura has made a series of sentimental twits about it (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) and you can find a translation here by mushimushi, where she thanks her for participating in FJ and the album “Parade”.

rito had first entered HWS and FJ via an audition in 2021 where rito and LINO LEIA were the winners, and also had her solo career in the meantime. She appeared in YK Lives from Yuki Kajiura Live vol.#17 ~PARADE~(Aug 11 and 12) up until Yuki Kajiura LIVE vol.#20 ~Asia Tour 20th Special SETLIST~.

thanks to Lorde-Kowz and tsubasa for the news!