Music: Yuki Kajiura
Lyrics: Yuki Kajiura
Arrangement: Yuki Kajiura
Vocals: Saeko Chiba
Chorus: Yuriko Kaida
Guitar: Takahiro Koike
Other instruments: Yuki Kajiura
Saeko Chiba – Everything: Track 5
K a n j i | Kanji |
R o m a j i | Romaji |
E n g l i s h | English |
大事なことを話して欲しい この夜にしか 分からないこと |
Daiji na koto wo hanashite hoshii Kono yoru ni shika wakaranai koto |
I want to speak of important things And things no one understands within this night alone |
何も見えない 何も知らない 貴方の為に生まれたばかり |
Nanimo mienai nanimo shiranai Anata no tame ni umareta bakari |
I see nothing, I know nothing I was born only for you |
東に見えてる 夜明けに導かれ 孤独の縁から 貴方へ歩き出す 愛を信じて we are so together |
Higashi ni mieteru yoake ni michibikare Kodoku no fuchi kara anata he arukidasu Ai wo shinjite We are so together |
Guiding you to the dawn visible in the east I begin walking to you from the edge of loneliness Believe in love We are so together |
黄色い船を描くキャンバス そこに明日は見つかるかしら |
Kiiroi fune wo egaku kyanbasu Soko ni ashita wa mitsukaru kashira |
I wonder if tomorrow can be found On the canvas where I paint a yellow boat |
心の限りに 貴方を想ってる 全てを賭けても そこまで辿り着く 風を信じて 愛を信じて いつか二人で |
Kokoro no kagiri ni anata wo omotteru Subete wo kaketemo soko made tadoritsuku Kaze wo shinjite Ai wo shinjite Itsuka futari de |
Dreaming of you to my very heart’s limits I’ll struggle on that far, even if I risk everything Believe in the wind Believe in love Someday we’ll be together |
Kanji from Kasi-time
Romaji from, corrected by ninetales
Translated by ninetales