where we worship Yuki Kajiura

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Music: Yuki Kajiura
Lyrics: Yuki Kajiura
Arrangement: Yuki Kajiura
Chorus: Yuriko Kaida
Guitar: Koichi Korenaga
Strings: Kiyo Kido Strings

Pandora Hearts OST 1: Track 1


timenta soltia
imenta saltia
camare soltae
imenta soltae

amata ivera
samata dibera
camare soltae
imenta soltae

adias martia
tomira castia
amarta soltae
libera soltae

martia ifvi

Transliteration by Kowz

15 responses

  1. Chell says:

    i love this song! πŸ™‚

  2. little lillith says:

    what language is it?

  3. symbion25 says:

    I tried to translate this song, just like “Contractor”, and somehow I suceeded (somehow…mind you XD)
    I figured that this song and most of PH OSTs are written in Italian.

    ti mental sortia
    i menta saltia
    ca me re sorta e
    i mental, sorta re

    a ma tra i vera
    sa ma tra di vera
    ca me re sorta e
    i mental, sorta re

    addia, smarti a
    to mila casti a
    a ma tra sorta re
    libera sorta e

    smarti a i vili, canta


    you sort mental
    the mind jumps
    about me and kind king
    the mental, kind king

    but in between the real
    know each other but true
    about me and kind king
    the mental, kind king

    goodbye, Smart
    to a thousand chaste
    but a kind of king
    kind and free

    Smart cowards, sings

    Haha, enjoy. Just for fun πŸ˜€

  4. george1234 says:

    You dont need to try to translate them, since Yuki Kajiura herself has said that kajiurago have no meaning (she has done so in an interview and she resently did again in one of her Fiction radio shows) so, even though she might have taken words from other languages, since she gives no meaning to them, translating them is kinda pointless, since even if each word alone has its meaning, they are put in a way to not make sense all together XD.

    btw I will merge your 2 posts.

  5. Kerahna says:

    haha that is awesome XD

  6. LoL so amazing music, I like the music than Yuki sounds πŸ˜€
    Its swear~

  7. leo says:

    for sure! I love this song.

  8. Bashiek says:

    Dear Sir/Madam:
    I love this song as well. I’m also looking for another one of her soundtracks. If you can help please do so-from Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles 2 ep. 14 “Black Steel” when Kurogane is holding his mom in one hand and his sword in the other.

  9. george1234 says:

    First the episode you refer is ep 40 (or ep 17 of season 2), second I cant find a scene like that, please specify the time πŸ™‚

  10. Bashiek says:

    Dear George1234:
    Thanks for replying!!! The episode is definitely “Black Steel”. The soundtrack is played in two different places: 1) 15.34 to 17.50 and 2) 19.48 to 21.58.
    Thanks once again for your time.

  11. george1234 says:

    The music you are looking for is called “broken sword of justice” and is from Future Soundscape 4 . If you search the title on youtube, you’ll find it πŸ™‚

  12. Bashiek says:

    Dear George1234:
    Thanks so much!!! I’ll look for it and let you know.
    I’m from Pakistan and there isn’t anyone around who I can ask for help. If I have any questions about any other soundtracks from other shows, am I allowed to ask?
    Once again, thank you very much!!

  13. Bashiek says:

    Dear George1234:
    There is another piece of music from Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles that I am looking for. It’s from Season 1 ep. 17 “Demon Hunters”. The time text is 18.40 to 20.17.

  14. george1234 says:

    ^ The track is called ” break the sword of justice” (Future Soundscape I) There’s forum here you can register and make a thread to ask what you want.

  15. Bashiek says:

    Dear George1234:
    Thanks once again for the reply. I also wanted to wish you and the entire team a belated Happy New Year!!

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