where we worship Yuki Kajiura

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Lyrics & Song Info » Bloody Rabbit


Music: Yuki Kajiura
Lyrics: Yuki Kajiura
Arrangement: Yuki Kajiura
Vocal: FictionJunction WAKANA
Chorus: Yuriko Kaida

Pandora Hearts OST 1: Track 10
FictionJunction 2010-2013 The BEST of Yuki Kajiura LIVE, vol 2: Disc 3, Track 13


artimora stodifia
marta mia carpita

artiora stodamia
cortiola castia

mortiasa mia canta (adima) difia

sortimora (camitita)
sordifia (martimenta)
mortimia ii ora la casa sora mia ita sodi alma (kasa)


artimora stodifia
marta mia carpita

artiora stodamia
cortiola castia

Transliteration by Kowz

13 responses

  1. Kathrine says:

    For me… When I hear it. I hear “Bloody Usagi” instead of “Mortiasa Mia”

  2. Mathew says:

    Well Kathrine when yuki writes a song she has back up singers with her. listen carefully i think they’re saying blood usagi not her. and it wouldnt be too surprising to find out thats true since the song IS called BLOODY RABBIT lol

  3. symbion25 says:

    Again, trying to sloppily re-translate the song LOL XD

    alti mola sto di via
    morta mia, carpita

    alti ora sto da mia
    corti ora, casti a

    morti a sa mi a
    canta a dima
    sto ma di via

    sorti mola, (ca miti i tra)
    sto di via (mal ti mental)
    morti mia i ora la casa, sora mia
    i da lode al ma casa

    alti mola sto di via
    morta mia, carpita

    alti ora sto da mia
    corti ora, casti a

    The meaning (sort of):

    I’m grinding high street
    my death, snatched

    I’m now at my high
    short time, a chaste

    I know in deaths
    sings a template
    but I’m away

    fortunes wheel (between the myths about)
    I am the way (you mental pain)
    the dead now my home, my sister
    but from the praise of the house

    I’m grinding high street
    my death, snatched

    I’m now at my high
    short time, a chaste

    …Somehow, I don’t get the meaning…
    Oh well, it’s just for fun after all. Enjoy 😀

  4. murrue02 says:

    coz kajiuran/kajiurago is supposed to be meaningless
    of course it doesn’t makes sense since it’s only intended to relay nothing but pure emotions

  5. My_Nick says:

    Translating kajiurago?? wtf
    They should stop it, because it spread like crazy sometimes. Like a song of storm and fire, there are lots of people who think it’s actually have some meaning…

  6. Kujo Kazuza says:

    It’s German? Her songs are powerfull of classical, I think

  7. george1234 says:

    ITS MADE UP LANGUAGE, so no german or latin or italian or japanese, its something that looks like other language but it ISNT.

  8. 555lia555 says:

    the eternal debate… ^^

    this song, like contractor, preparation, a song of storm and fire, are no meaning, that’s why, it’s useless to try to translate these songs.

    Kajiura says it herself, kajiuran are no meaning, this is pure invention (a beautiful invention ^3^).
    that’s why, this is not latin, or german (german ????, german it’s more like: ein Lied von Sturm und Feuer…, this is ugly, sorry I don’t like this language), or italian…

    but this song is so epic, I love it =B

  9. Artistic black imprisonment,
    Stealing me away,
    My limbs are imprisoned,
    And my time is short,
    It is deadly to know my singing, (Cast down thy) dificulties,
    Inevitable Fate,
    (Between me and you),
    Deaf to, (These lies to you),
    To kill my sister and my house now hardens my soul, (House),
    Now you know,
    Artistic Black imprisonment,
    Stealing me away,
    My limbs are imprisoned,
    And my time is short.

  10. HisokaNaSora says:

    Some Of her songs are really in a foreign language that are similar to Kajiuran. Like ‘Lacrimosa’. It is a latin word that actually exist. There is another song called lala’s lullaby from D.Gray-Man that has the word “Lacrimosa” inside the lyrics

  11. george1234 says:

    ^ its the opposide, some kajiurago are close to real languages, and sometimes she includes words or phrases of real languages that have meaning in the chorus of a song, the rest of the chorus lyrics of which are kajiurago. 🙂

  12. Sepetuis says:

    Kajiura mentioned that she has used languages like Italian and Latin to make some words, so they at the start COULD have made sense, but since they change the words structure and pronunciation during the actual singing, they change too much to be able to mean something. So the words could have made sense, but after the initial release of the song, they don’t make any sense due to the words being remodeled.

  13. becca says:

    The langue is actually made up i heard that it has some Italian,spanish, and Japanese. I thought this might be useful c:

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