Yuki Kajiura will be hosting a Q&A Session this Friday in celebration of the release of The Works for Soundtrack. It’s a rare chance for you to ask a question to her directly and have it answered! She will be answering questions about herself and about the newly released album, with a few guidelines:
- Keep your questions short and simple (Twitter-sized!).
- Refer to the album as “WFS“, and use hashtag #kajiwfs
- Avoid asking questions about the vocalists (FJ, Kalafina, etc), and about songs not on the album
- She will accept questions in English, but will provide answers in Japanese
Yuki sounds a little anxious about the volume of questions to be received, so I would also suggest that before asking, make sure your question hasn’t already been answered in a previous interview! An (incomplete) list of interviews can be viewed here. If you are still unsure, fans in this thread should be able to review your question and let you know! You can also take a look at questions other fans are preparing to ask.
To send Yuki a question, sent a tweet to @Fion0806, and end it with #kajiwfs at the time of the Q&A session:
Friday Dec 17 2010, 22:00 – 24:00 Japanese time (UTC+9).
Do not tweet her early! She may not see it.
If you want to send in your question early, you can use the mail form on her site, making sure to include your twitter username if you have one.
We will do our best to provide a complete translation of the interview as soon as possible!
Official announcement at www.fictionjunction.com.
Thanks to yuki.n and kurobara for translation of the details!